Grouping items
You can combine multiple items on a page or spread into a single group. Grouping items is useful when you want to select or move several items simultaneously. You can move, cut, copy, duplicate, and perform a number of other functions on a group. For example, you can group all the items that compose a publication masthead; once grouped, you can modify or move the entire group as you would a single box, line, or text path.
After you create a group, you can still edit, resize, and reposition individual items while maintaining the group relationship. You can also place a copy of a group into an open QuarkXPress library for use in other documents.
Items can be grouped when two or more items (lines, boxes, text paths, or other groups) are active. To select multiple items with the Item tool , either Shift+click each item or draw a marquee around the items you want to group. Choose Item > Group (Command+G/Ctrl+G) to place multiple selected items into a single group.
You can group groups, and multiple-select a group (or groups) along with individual boxes, lines, and text paths to create a larger group.
With the Item tool selected, you can move, cut, copy, paste, duplicate, rotate, and color a group. With the Text Content tool
or Picture Content tool
selected, you can manipulate individual items as you would any ungrouped item.
To move an item within a group, press Command/Ctrl and select the item with the Item tool , the Text Content tool
, or the Picture Content tool
Choose Item > Ungroup (Command+U/Ctrl+U) to break the group relationship.