Selecting items

To manipulate items, you must first select them. Once selected, most kinds of items display outlines and handles for reshaping.

To select an item, first select the Item tool QuarkXpress tool item Selecting items, the Text Content tool QuarkXpress tool text content Selecting items, or the Picture Content tool QuarkXpress tool picture content Selecting items and move the Arrow pointer over an item. Click once to select a single item or Shift+click individual items to select more than one item at a time. You can also select multiple items by selecting the Item tool QuarkXpress tool item Selecting items and drawing around an area that contains the items.

With the Item tool QuarkXpress tool item Selecting items selected, if you double-click a text box, the Import dialog box displays. If you double-click an empty picture box with the Item tool or the Picture Content tool QuarkXpress tool picture content Selecting items selected, the Import dialog box displays. If the picture box contains a picture, the Picture Content tool QuarkXpress tool picture content Selecting items is selected.

To deselect an active item, click outside it. When the Item tool QuarkXpress tool item Selecting items is selected, you can press Tab to deselect any active items.

Parent topic: Manipulating items

Selecting items