Formatting gridlines

Gridlines are the horizontal lines between rows and the vertical lines between columns. When gridlines are selected, you can use the Grids tab of the Modify dialog box to specify line style, width, color, gap color, shades, and opacities.

  1. To format gridlines, first select them as follows:
    • For an individual gridline, click the gridline with the Text Content tool QuarkXpress tool text content Formatting gridlines.
    • For multiple gridlines, Shift+click each gridline.
    • For the entire table, all horizontal gridlines, or all vertical gridlines, select the table with the Item tool QuarkXpress tool item Formatting gridlines. Then you can specify a selection in the Modify dialog box.
    • Choose an option from the Select submenu of the Table menu: Horizontal Grids, Vertical Grids, Border, or All Grids.
  2. Once the appropriate gridlines are selected, choose Item > Modify, and then click the Grid tab.
    QuarkXpress db modify grid Formatting gridlines

    The Grid tab of the Modify dialog box

  3. To select all gridlines, vertical gridlines, or horizontal gridlines, click one of the buttons to the right of the Preview area. From top to bottom, the buttons select All Gridlines, Horizontal Gridlines, or Vertical Gridlines.
  4. Change any values in the Grid tab, using the Preview area and the Apply button to help you make decisions.
Note: The Measurements palette (Window menu) also provides a pane for formatting selected gridlines.
Parent topic: Working with tables

Formatting gridlines