Creating a Composition Zones item from a selection of multiple items

To create a Composition Zones item based on a selection of multiple items:

  1. Select the Item tool QuarkXpress tool item Creating a Composition Zones item from a selection of multiple items or a Content tool QuarkXpress tool text content Creating a Composition Zones item from a selection of multiple items QuarkXpress tool picture content Creating a Composition Zones item from a selection of multiple items, press the Shift key, and select more than one item.
  2. Choose Item > Composition Zones > Create. A box that equals the size of the bounds of the group replaces the group.
  3. To finish creating the Composition Zones item, choose Item > Share, or display the Shared Content palette (Window menu) and click Add Item. Either way, the Shared Item Properties dialog box displays.

    QuarkXpress db shared item properties cz Creating a Composition Zones item from a selection of multiple items
    Use the Shared Item Properties dialog box to name your composition layout and designate availability.

  4. Enter a name for the composition layout in the Name field.
  5. Choose This Project Only from the Availability drop-down menu.
  6. Check Show Tab in Project Window to provide access to the composition layout from the layout tab at the bottom of the project window.
  7. Click OK to save the composition layout.
Note: If the position of one or more selected items is locked (Item > Lock > Position), then you cannot create a Composition Zones item.

Creating a Composition Zones item from a selection of multiple items