Creating a Composition Zones item with the Composition Zones tool

To manually define a Composition Zones item:

  1. Select the Composition Zones tool in the Tools palette.
  2. Drag to draw the Composition Zones item.
  3. To finish creating the Composition Zones item, choose Item > Share, or display the Shared Content palette (Window menu) and click Add Item QuarkXpress btn shared content add Creating a Composition Zones item with the Composition Zones tool. Either way, the Shared Item Properties dialog box displays.
    QuarkXpress db shared item properties cz Creating a Composition Zones item with the Composition Zones tool

    Use the Shared Item Properties dialog box to name your composition layout, designate availability, and specify whether a tab displays at the bottom of the project window.

  4. Enter a name for the composition layout in the Name field.
  5. Choose This Project Only from the Availability drop-down menu.
  6. Click OK. The composition layout displays in the Shared Content palette.

Creating a Composition Zones item with the Composition Zones tool