Sharing a composition layout

You can specify sharing when you create a composition layout, and you can also change sharing settings later. Sharing options include:

  • Synchronized, editable sharing across projects: You can export a composition layout into a separate project file that can be opened and edited freely. This is called an external composition layout. Other projects can link to a project file containing an external composition layout, and users can use that layout to create Composition Zones items.
  • Synchronized, linked sharing across projects: You can make internal composition layouts linkable. This means that other projects can link to the project containing the internal composition layout and use that layout to create Composition Zones items.
  • Single-project sharing: You can limit the use of the composition layout to the project that contains it (that is, a single-project layout).
Note: When you link to a project, you can create Composition Zones items from any shared composition layouts in that project. But you can’t edit a composition layout unless you open the project that contains that layout. Multiple users can link to a project containing a composition layout simultaneously, but only one person at a time can open that project and edit the layout.

Sharing a composition layout