Fine-tuning color management for individual pictures

If you need to specify profiles and rendering intents for individual pictures, you can still do that in much the same way that you did in previous versions of QuarkXPress. This overrides the QuarkXPress default settings or the selected source setup. For example, you might change the rendering intent of an EPS logo to saturation while leaving the remaining pictures in a layout, mostly photographs, at perceptual.

To access color management controls for individual pictures, first make the features available by checking Enable access to image profiles in the Color Manager pane of the Preferences dialog box (QuarkXPress/Edit menu). To apply and change profiles for pictures:

  • Importing pictures: The Import Picture dialog box (File menu) provides a Color Management pane that lets you specify a Profile and Rendering Intent for the selected picture.
  • Changing profiles: The Profile Information palette (Window menu) displays information about the selected picture’s type and color space. You can use this palette to quickly change the picture’s Profile, Rendering Intent, and Color Manage to [type of device] setting.

Fine-tuning color management for individual pictures