Synchronizing specifications

Before you synchronize the specifications in a book, first make sure that the style sheets, colors, hyphenation and justification specifications, lists, and dashes and stripes in the current master chapter are defined correctly. Then:

  1. Make sure all the chapters in the book have a status of Available. If a chapter is unavailable, its specifications will not be synchronized.
  2. Select the chapters you want to synchronize. To select a range of chapters, click the first chapter and press Shift while you click the last chapter in the range. To select nonconsecutive chapters, press Command/Ctrl while you click the chapters.
  3. Click the Synchronize Book button QuarkXpress btn book synchronize Synchronizing specifications in the Book palette. The Synchronize Selected Chapters dialog box displays.
  4. Click the Style Sheets, Colors, H&Js, Lists, or Dashes & Stripes tab to choose from a list of those specifications. The Available list displays all the appropriate specifications. Select the specifications you want to synchronize and double-click them, or click the arrow to move them to the Include column.
  5. To synchronize all the specifications in the Synchronize Selected Chapters dialog box, click the Synch All button.
  6. Click OK. Each chapter in the book is opened, compared to the master chapter, modified as necessary, and saved. When you synchronize chapters, they are modified as follows:

  • Specifications with the same name are compared; chapter specifications are edited as necessary to match specifications in the master chapter.
  • Specifications in the master chapter that are missing from other chapters are added to those chapters.
  • Specifications in other chapters that are not defined in the master chapter remain untouched.
Note: If you make changes that affect the specifications in a book, you will need to synchronize the chapters again.
Note: You can use synchronization to make global changes to any of the specifications in a book. For example, if you decide to change a spot color used throughout a book, change the color’s definition in the master chapter; then click the Synchronize Book button QuarkXpress btn book synchronize Synchronizing specifications.

Synchronizing specifications