Working with menus

Interactive layouts support two types of menus:

  • Menu Bar: A series of menus arranged horizontally, with lists of menu items that drop down from the menus. Menu Bars may also contain submenus.
  • Pop-Up Menu: A drop-down menu. Pop-Up Menus can also contain submenus.

To create either type of menu, you must first create an Interactive Menu. An Interactive Menu has no user interface in QuarkXPress: It is simply a list of menus, submenus, and menu items that is stored in the project. When you create an Interactive Menu, you can specify menus, menu items, separators, and submenus. Each menu item can be tied to an Action that determines what happens when an end user chooses that menu item.

After you create an Interactive Menu, you can assign it to one or more Menu objects. The Menu object determines where the menu displays and what it looks like.

Working with menus