
Operators are symbols (such as + and -) that let you add, subtract, multiply, divide, and perform many other kinds of operations.

The most important operator is the equals sign, because it enables you to assign a value to a variable. In the previous example, we could have used the following simple expression to store the number 6 into the variable IntVar:

IntVar = 6

This expression tells an interactive presentation to store the value after the equals sign into the variable named “IntVar.”

Other operators let you combine or compare numbers and other values. For example:

IntVar = 2 + 4

This example uses two operators: The equals sign and the plus sign. When this expression is executed, your interactive presentation adds 2 + 4 and puts the result into IntVar.

Note: Use a single equals sign (=) for assignment, and a double equals sign (==) to check values for equality.
