Job Tickets and Job Ticket templates

There are three kinds of Job Tickets:

  • A Job Ticket template is a definition for a “master” Job Ticket. In some ways, a Job Ticket template is similar to a master page or a QuarkXPress template file.
  • An active Job Ticket is a copy of a Job Ticket template that is associated with a particular project.
  • A deferred Job Ticket is a copy of a Job Ticket template that has been associated with a project, but is no longer associated with that project (for example, if the project was closed without being saved).

QuarkXpress diagram job jackets 02 Job Tickets and Job Ticket templates

A Job Jackets file can contain Job Ticket templates (containing definitions for Job Tickets), active Job Tickets (which are associated with a particular project), and deferred Job Tickets (which have been associated with a project, but are no longer associated with that project).

Each Job Ticket template can be used to generate Job Tickets for one or more projects. Each Job Ticket can apply to only one project. When a Job Ticket is applied to a project, the Resources in that Job Ticket become available in the project (for example, the project inherits all of the color, style sheet, and layout definitions listed in the Job Ticket).

There are two ways to apply a Job Ticket to a project:

  • When creating the project, choose File > New > Project from Ticket, and then select a Job Ticket template. QuarkXPress copies the Job Ticket template’s information into a new Job Ticket for the new project. The new project automatically contains a pre-configured layout for each of the layout definitions in the Job Ticket template, plus all of the project settings defined in the Job Ticket template.
  • Create or open an existing project, and then choose File > Job Jackets > Link Project and select a Job Ticket template. Again, QuarkXPress copies the Job Ticket template’s information into a new Job Ticket for this particular project. The project acquires all of the project settings defined in the Job Ticket template, and a new pre-configured layout is created for each of the layout definitions in the Job Ticket template.
Note: A Job Ticket maintains no link to the Job Ticket template from which it was created. Changes made to a Job Ticket template are not propagated to existing Job Tickets.

Job Tickets and Job Ticket templates