Color pane

Use the Color pane to control color output.

  • To print all colors on one page, choose Composite from the Mode drop-down menu. To print a separate plate for each color (for use on a multicolor press), choose Separations from the Mode drop-down menu. For more information about composite output, see “Printing color composites.” For more information about separations, see “Printing color separations.”
  • To specify an output setup for the output device, choose an option from the Setup drop-down menu. For more information about color management, see “Source setups and output setups.”
  • To specify default halftone shape and frequency, use the Halftones and Frequency drop-down menus. The Printer option on the Halftones drop-down menu lets the output device determine all halftone settings.
  • To print only specific plates, and to control halftone options for individual plates, use the controls in the list of plates.
Parent topic: Print dialog box

Color pane