Pictures pane
Use the Pictures pane to control the way pictures are printed:
- To specify how pictures are printed, choose an option from the Output drop-down menu. Normal provides high-resolution output of pictures using the data from the pictures’ source files. Low Resolution prints pictures at screen preview resolution. Rough suppresses printout of pictures and blends and prints a box with the frame and an “x” in it, much like an empty picture box on screen.
- To select a format for print data, choose an option from the Data drop-down menu. Although documents print more quickly in Binary format, the ASCII option is more portable because it is a standard format readable by a wider range of printers and print spoolers. The Clean 8-bit option combines ASCII and binary in a versatile and portable file format.
- Check Overprint EPS Black to force all black elements in imported EPS pictures to overprint (regardless of their overprint settings in the EPS file).
- To print 1-bit TIFFs at full resolution (not to exceed the resolution specified in the Device list item), check Full Resolution TIFF Output. If Full Resolution TIFF Output is unchecked, images greater than 1-bit will be subsampled to twice the lines per inch (lpi) setting.
Parent topic: Print dialog box