Preferences — Project — General

Use the Project version of the General pane of the Preferences dialog box (QuarkXPress/Edit menu) to specify default settings for auto picture import, single layout mode, and OpenType kerning (for OpenType fonts).

Use the Auto Picture Import drop-down menu to control whether the application automatically updates pictures that have been modified since you last opened a layout.

  • To enable the Auto Picture Import feature, choose On. When you open a project, the application automatically reimports modified pictures.
  • To disable the Auto Picture Import feature, choose Off.
  • To display an alert before the application imports modified pictures, choose Verify.

Checking Single Layout Mode with no projects open will automatically check the Single Layout Mode check box in the New Project dialog box.

Check Use OpenType Kerning to activate the default kerning values for OpenType fonts. When OpenType kerning is active, it overrides any kerning specified through Kerning Table Edit (Utilities menu) for OpenType fonts.

Parent topic: Project preferences

Preferences — Project — General