Master page grids and text box grids

There are two kinds of default design grids: Master page grids and text box grids. Every page and every text box has a design grid associated with it. You can hide or show design grids for an entire layout by choosing View > Page Grids or View > Text Box Grids.

You can configure a page’s design grid by displaying the page’s master page and then choosing Page > Master Guides & Grid. You can control a text box’s design grid by choosing Grid Settings from the text box’s context menu.

QuarkXpress example master page grid W Master page grids and text box grids

A page with its master page grid displayed, with all grid lines showing.

QuarkXpress example text box grid W Master page grids and text box grids

A text box with its text box grid displayed, with all grid lines showing.

For more information, see “Using a master page grid.”

Note: To use the baseline grid feature as it existed in QuarkXPress and QuarkCopyDesk 7.x and earlier, show the baseline and hide the other grid lines.

Master page grids and text box grids