Working with font mapping rules

When you open a project, the application checks to make sure all the fonts applied to text are active on your system. If not, the Missing Fonts alert displays, which gives you the opportunity to replace missing fonts with active fonts. You can save those replacements as global “font mapping rules,” which can be applied automatically each time you open a project.

To create a font mapping rule, first open a project that uses a missing (inactive) font. Click List Fonts to display the Missing Fonts alert. Use the Replace button to choose replacement fonts for any missing fonts, then click Save As Rule. All the replacements listed in the Missing Fonts alert are saved as rules, even if only some replacements are selected. If you change your mind about a replacement, select its line and click Reset. You can also choose File > Revert to Saved after you open the article. This will display the Missing Fonts alert again and allow you to make changes. (Note that the changes apply only to that article — not to any rules you just saved.)

Once you create a font mapping rule by clicking Save As Rule in the Missing Fonts alert, the rule is saved in preferences for your copy of the application and applied to all articles. If you need to change, delete, or share font mapping rules, choose Utilities > Font Mapping.

You can use the Fonts pane (QuarkXPress/Edit > Preferences) to specify a default replacement font and to control whether the Missing Fonts alert displays when you open a project with missing fonts. For more information, see “Preferences — Application — Fonts.”

Parent topic: Text and typography

Working with font mapping rules