Style menu for text

The Style menu for text includes commands for specifying character attributes and paragraph formats. This menu includes the following commands:

  • Font: Lets you change the font of selected text.
  • Size: Lets you change the size of selected text.
  • Type Style: Lets you apply type styles such as bold, italic, and underline to selected text.
  • Change Case: Lets you change case of selected text to uppercase, lower case, or title case.
  • Color: Lets you change the color of selected text.
  • Shade: Lets you set the tint of an applied color.
  • Opacity: Lets you control the transparency of selected text.
  • Horizontal/Vertical Scale: Lets you stretch selected text horizontally or vertically.
  • Kern/Track: When the text insertion point is between two characters, Kern lets you control the spacing between those characters. When text is selected, Track lets you control the spacing between all selected characters.
  • Baseline Shift: Lets you move selected text up or down in relation to the baseline without changing line spacing.
  • Character: Displays the Character Attributes dialog box, which lets you control every aspect of character formatting for selected text.
  • Character Style Sheets: Lets you apply character style sheets to selected text.
  • Text to Box: Lets you convert text to a Bézier picture box shaped like the selected characters.
  • Alignment: Lets you align active paragraphs to the left, right, or center. Also lets you justify or force-justify selected paragraphs.
  • Leading: Lets you change the line spacing of selected paragraphs.
  • Formats: Displays the Paragraph Attributes dialog box, which lets you control every aspect of paragraph formatting for selected text.
  • Tabs: Lets you set tab stops for selected paragraphs.
  • Rules: Lets you create automatic lines above and below selected paragraphs.
  • Paragraph Style Sheets: Lets you apply paragraph style sheets to selected text.
  • Update Style Sheet: Lets you update a character or paragraph style sheet definition based on local changes to the applied style sheet.
  • Flip Horizontal: Lets you flip selected text horizontally.
  • Flip Vertical: Lets you flip selected text vertically.
  • Hyperlink: Lets you modify and apply a hyperlink, page link, or anchor to selected text.
  • Anchor: Lets you create or modify an anchor for selected text.
  • Underline Styles: Lets you modify and apply an underline style to selected text.
Parent topic: Style menu

Style menu for text