
The Tools palette
The Tools palette includes the following controls:
- Use the Item tool
to select, move, resize, and reshape items (boxes, lines, text paths, and groups). When the Item tool is not selected, you can press Command/Ctrl to temporarily access the Item tool.
- Use the Text Content tool
to draw text boxes and work with text in boxes.
- Use the Picture Content tool
to draw picture boxes and work with pictures in boxes.
- Use the Linking tool
to link text boxes.
- Use the Unlinking tool
to unlink text boxes.
- Use the Rectangle Box tool
to create a rectangular box. To draw a square box, press and hold Shift while drawing.
- Use the Oval Box tool
to create an oval box. To create a circular box, press and hold Shift while drawing.
- Use the Composition Zones tool
to create a Composition Zones box.
- Use the Star Box tool
to create a star-shaped box.
- Use the Line tool
to create straight diagonal lines of any angle. To constrain a line angle to 45 degrees, press and hold Shift while drawing.
- Use the Bézier Pen tool
to create Bézier lines and boxes. To constrain a line angle to 45 degrees, press and hold Shift while drawing.
- Use the Add Point tool
to add a point to any type of path. Adding a point to a content box automatically turns the content box into a Bézier item.
- Use the Remove Point tool
to remove a point from any type of path.
- Use the Convert Point tool
to automatically convert corner points to curve points, and curve points to corner points. Click and drag to change the position of a point, the curve of a curved line segment, or the position of a straight line segment. Select this tool and click a rectangular box or straight line to convert the item to a Bézier box or line.
- Use the Scissors tool
to cut an item into distinct paths.
- Use the Select Point tool
to select curves or points so that you can move them or delete them. Press Shift and click to select multiple points. Option-click/Alt-click a point to make it symmetrical.
- Use the Freehand Line tool
to draw any shape line or box you want. If you don’t close a freehand box, it remains a line. To automatically close a freehand box, press Option/Alt.
- Use the Tables tool
to create a table.
- Use the Zoom tool
to enlarge or reduce the document view.
- Use the Pan tool
to reposition the active layout.
Note: After you draw a box, select the Text Content tool
or the Picture Content tool
, depending what you want in the box. You can also use key commands to declare the box content type: Press T while drawing to declare Picture content or press R while drawing to declare Text content.

Note: For more information about Bézier boxes and lines, see “Creating Bézier boxes” and “Creating Bézier lines.”
Note: To add text to a line or path, select the Text Content tool
and double-click the line or path.

Note: For more information about Composition Zones, see “Creating a Composition Zones item.”
Note: Windows users can display the Tools palette (Windows menu) horizontally, as well as vertically. To display the palette horizontally, Ctrl+double-click the title bar.
Tool key commands
When no text box or text path is active, you can switch tools quickly using the following key commands:
- Item tool: V
- Text Content tool: T (press Escape to deselect the active text box so you can switch to another tool)
- Text Linking tool: T
- Text Unlinking tool: T
- Picture Content tool: R
- Rectangle Box tool: B
- Oval Box tool: B
- Starburst tool: B
- Composition Zones tool: B
- Line tool: L
- Bézier Pen tool: P
- Add Point tool: P
- Remove Point tool: P
- Convert Angle tool: P
- Scissors tool: P
- Select Point tool: P
- Freehand Line tool: P
- Tables tool: G
- Zoom tool: Z
- Pan tool: X
Parent topic: The user interface