Meta tags

Meta tags contain information about a Web page. They don’t display in a Web browser, but adding meta tags to your Web layouts can make it easier for search engines to index your pages.

Meta tags are stored in meta tag sets. You can associate a meta tag set with a Web layout page, and when that page is exported as HTML, the exported page will include all the tags in the meta tag set.

A meta tag is an HTML element, such as <title> or <body>. The most commonly used meta tags have two attributes: name and content. The name attribute identifies a meta tag’s type, and the content attribute includes the meta tag’s unique values.

You can use a wide variety of meta tags. However, two of the most commonly used meta tags are the following:

  • <meta name=”description”>: The content attribute for this meta tag is read and displayed by some search engines.
  • <meta name=”keywords”>: The content attribute for this meta tag is used by some search engines to help classify pages, and may be used in keyword searches.
Note: For information about specific meta tags and their values, consult an HTML reference book.
Parent topic: Web layouts

Meta tags