Text boxes in Web layouts
Web layouts support two types of text boxes:
- Raster text boxes: Raster text boxes have the Convert to Graphic on Export box checked in the Modify dialog box (Item menu). Raster text boxes look great in an exported page because they are converted to pictures at export (as indicated by the small camera icons in their upper-right corners), but their contents are not editable or searchable by the end user. Use raster text boxes when design fidelity is important.
- HTML text boxes: HTML text boxes have the Convert to Graphic on Export box unchecked in the Modify dialog box (Item menu). HTML text boxes remain selectable and searchable in an exported Web page, but can use only fonts that are installed on the end user’s computer. When designing, you can use any font you want in an HTML text box, but there is no guarantee that font will be displayed in the end user’s browser. Use HTML text boxes when the ability to search and select text is more important than appearance.
HTML text boxes have the following limitations:
- HTML text boxes must be rectangular. A nonrectangular HTML text box is converted to a graphic at export.
- HTML text boxes cannot be rotated.
- HTML text boxes can contain columns, but the columns will be converted to an HTML table when the Web layout is exported.
- You cannot disproportionately resize (stretch) an HTML text box.
- You cannot use fractional point sizes for text in an HTML text box.
- Text in an HTML text box will run around an item in front of that box in the exported page, but only if the item in front does not completely cover the HTML text box. If the HTML text box is completely covered, it acts as if the item in front has a runaround of None.
- You cannot link HTML text boxes across pages.
The following features are not available in HTML text boxes:
- Forced or justified alignment
- Hyphenation and justification specifications (H&Js)
- First line indentation
- Lock to baseline grid
- Tabs
- First Baseline and Inter-Paragraph Max settings
- Baseline shift
- Kerning and tracking
- Horizontal and vertical scale
- Outline, Shadow, Small Caps, Superior, and Word Underline type styles
- Horizontal and vertical flip
If you want to use any of these settings in an HTML text box, choose Item > Modify and check Convert to Graphic on Export to convert the HTML text box to a raster box.
Parent topic: Working with Web layouts